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40 things a tired woman might really want

We live in a time where knowing what you want matters. But sometimes, we just feel worn.

If you’re a realllllly tired woman, you can’t think clearly anymore, here are 40 things to help you figure out what you really want.

Disclaimer: BEFORE you read the list, if there’s anything you think you really want/ need to help revive yourself – listen to that. That’s your due north. Everything else is soul candy for later. 😉

40 Things A Tired Woman Might Really Want:

  1. A nap

  2. Favorite dessert

  3. Feet in the sand

  4. A gift card to splurge somewhere.

  5. Curl up and watch a TV show uninterrupted with a throw blanket (preferably heated)

  6. Flowers on the kitchen table

  7. Seep in on Saturday or Sunday

  8. Hot bath. And candles. And no knocks on the door.

  9. 25 minutes with her favorite music station/ playlist

  10. Paper plates for dinner

  11. Manicure and pedicure. Both. And maybe acrylics.

  12. Someone to cook her dinner in her own home. And clean it.

  13. A workout and/ or walk

  14. A maid. Just once a year if not already enlisted regularly

  15. Solo weekend away

  16. Feet and/ or body in water (lake, ocean, stream)

  17. A day away just to think

  18. Retreat with other women

  19. Time with a girlfriend

  20. Time to declutter and think

  21. Someone else to remind the kids to do their chores/ go to bed

  22. Stroll through a park. Alone.

  23. Time to make a vision board and remember her dreams. Or find them.

  24. Extra money from the budget

  25. Hair -cut and highlights and not worry about the cost

  26. A class – cooking, spinning, crafting, writing

  27. Chocolate. Without sharing.

  28. A massage

  29. A museum. And time to read every.single.placard

  30. A great book

  31. A tiny piece of art

  32. A 30-minute drive to nowhere with windows rolled down in the car

  33. An online art class just to use her craft drawer

  34. Two hours of nothingness time. Could be Facebook. Could be anything.

  35. Favorite ice cream/ gelato/ ice

  36. Silence and solitude

  37. Somewhere to go to take photos, draw, or do yoga – just a change of scenery to engage in

  38. A really great joke

  39. Horseback riding

  40. Surfing

Inherently, this challenges common forms of addiction, numbing out. While your favorite go-to has its place, the offer here is to consciously choose something that feels nurturing, available, and recharging.

When we choose to engage in our lives and meet our needs on a deep rejuvenating level, we are more of who we are meant to be.


Who we are now appears, and we discover she’s more beautiful, fierier, and more loving than we ever knew.

More ideas for finding yourself in the midst of family life in Momifesto: A Manifesto of 9 Practices for Phenomenal Moms.


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